The Possible End of Development

Hello and welcome to the possible final devlog of The Pirate Platformer! 

Over time, this game has been something that allowed me to try things in a safe space and allowed me to experiment with ideas. After realizing this, I notice that this "game" will most likely never be complete as it just doesn't feel right to work on as a main project. I have another idea for my next project in the works and plan to reveal that in the future, but this project has ended for now. For now, I will leave the itch page as is with it being labeled a prototype, but I do NOT plan on making this a complete game, unfortunately. I would like to thank anyone who has read these erratic devlogs for sticking along and even taking the time to read them! 

I hope to see you all in my next project, which I will mainly work on for now! (unless I join a game jam)


The Pirate Platformer Demo Play in browser
Dec 11, 2022

Get The Pirate Platformer


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This is a very cute game. Sometimes it's better to move on from a project like this, hope you learned a lot!! Maybe you'll get back to it or remake the game idea later for the nostalgia :)